Archive | February, 2019

Ways to jazz up your old converse shoes

You may have very old, plain or faded converse shoes that you want to get rid of, don’t. You can use a few simple tricks to spruce up the look of your converse shoes and make them look designer and brand new in a few minutes. Glitter Begin by taping the edges of the converse. […]

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Four steps to make cute bead bracelets.

Making cute bead bracelets is an interesting process because you get to choose the types of beads you want, how the bracelets look like and the number of bracelets you want. Elastic bracelets are versatile, they have been in the market for long and they are not going out of fashion any time soon. Making […]

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How to paint a beautiful picture

Some of the most gifted painters in history created vibrant pieces with the strokes of their brushes, pieces which have stood the test of time and remain priceless in this modern day and age. Painting a beautiful picture can seem a bit difficult for beginners who have never stood in front of a canvas before, […]

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